
This notebook takes us through the entire data science pipeline of importing and cleaning data, training and selecting models, and finally forming predictions on the unlabeled test data. These data represent the demographics and response/payment of a mail acquisition campain. The goal of this case is to use the 50k rows of labeled data to create a model that will give predictions to maximize revenue from 5,000 mailings sent to the top-scored recipients selected of the 50k-row unlabeled data set.

Step 0: import libraries

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, roc_curve
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel 
import time, math, pickle, itertools
import xgboost as xgb
%matplotlib inline
/home/luke/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)

Step 1: import and clean the data

In this step, we import the data from a CSV file, fill in missing values with the column mean values, create an id-to-payment dictionary, and encode all categorical data both in one-hot encoding and ordinal integers.

In [2]:
# set random number generator seed
_seed = 0
df = pd.read_csv('../data/training_data.csv')

# shuffle rows, index on W_ID, and remove trailing whitespace from column names
df = df.sample(frac=1, random_state=_seed).reset_index(drop=True)
df = df.set_index(df.W_ID)
df.columns = [c.strip() for c in df.columns.values]

# drop the column will all missing values
df = df.drop('colname',1)

# fill in missing values, replace missing continuous values with the average of the rows
df = df.replace(-1, np.nan)
cont_feats = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns
df.loc[:,cont_feats] = df.loc[:,cont_feats].fillna(df.loc[:,cont_feats].mean())

# make a categorical variable of response amount
# df['payment_categorical'] = df['Payment'].astype('category')

# # properly process categorical variables
# for col in df.columns:
#     if df[col].dtype == 'object':
#         df.loc[:,col] = df.loc[:,col].astype('category')
# encode categories as dummy (ordinal and one-hot) variables and create scoring lookup dictionary
lookup_df = df[['W_ID', 'Payment']]
lookup_dict = df['Payment'].to_dict()
onehot_df = pd.get_dummies(df)
for feature in df.columns: # Loop through all columns in the dataframe
    if df[feature] == 'object': # Only apply for columns with categorical strings
        df[feature] = pd.Categorical(df[feature]).codes # Replace strings with an integer

Step 1.5: define some useful functions

We need to create some additional functionality that isn't in the libraries we will use in order to split the dataset without losing the W_ids of our rows as well as to evaluate our performance.

In [3]:
colvec_to_array = lambda colvec: np.asarray(colvec).ravel()
def split_dset(df, features, target, rng_seed, testset_size = 0.25, cat_to_dummies=False, verbose=False):
    Splits the dataframe into train/test subsets, then
    extracts numpy matrices of features and numpy arrays
    of W_ids and target labels
    # first, convert categorical to dummy variables
    thresh = math.ceil(testset_size * df.shape[0])
    test = df.iloc[:thresh, :]
    train = df.iloc[thresh:, :]
    if verbose:
        print('TRAIN Average response per mailing: $' + str(train.Payment.mean()))
        print('TEST Average response per mailing: $' + str(test.Payment.mean()))
    train_ids = colvec_to_array(train['W_ID'].as_matrix())
    test_ids = colvec_to_array(test['W_ID'].as_matrix())
    x_train = pd.get_dummies(train[features]).as_matrix() if cat_to_dummies else train[features].as_matrix()
    x_test = pd.get_dummies(test[features]).as_matrix() if cat_to_dummies else test[features].as_matrix()
    y_train = colvec_to_array(train[[target]].as_matrix())
    y_test = colvec_to_array(test[[target]].as_matrix())
    return (train_ids, test_ids, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test)
def split_dset_with_valid(df, features, target, rng_seed, valset_size = 0.25, 
                          testset_size = 0.25, cat_to_dummies=False,
    Splits the dataframe into train/test subsets, then
    extracts numpy matrices of features and numpy arrays
    of W_ids and target labels
    # first, convert categorical to dummy variables
    thresh1 = math.ceil(valset_size * df.shape[0])
    thresh2 = thresh1 + math.ceil(testset_size * df.shape[0])
    test = df.iloc[:thresh1, :]
    valid = df.iloc[thresh1:thresh2, :]
    train = df.iloc[thresh2:, :]
    if verbose:
        print('TRAIN Average response per mailing: $' + str(train.Payment.mean()))
        print('VALID Average response per mailing: $' + str(valid.Payment.mean()))
        print('TEST Average response per mailing: $' + str(test.Payment.mean()))
    train_ids = colvec_to_array(train['W_ID'].as_matrix())
    valid_ids = colvec_to_array(valid['W_ID'].as_matrix())
    test_ids = colvec_to_array(test['W_ID'].as_matrix())
    x_train = pd.get_dummies(train[features]).as_matrix() if cat_to_dummies else train[features].as_matrix()
    x_valid = pd.get_dummies(valid[features]).as_matrix() if cat_to_dummies else valid[features].as_matrix()
    x_test = pd.get_dummies(test[features]).as_matrix() if cat_to_dummies else test[features].as_matrix()
    y_train = colvec_to_array(train[[target]].as_matrix())
    y_valid = colvec_to_array(valid[[target]].as_matrix())
    y_test = colvec_to_array(test[[target]].as_matrix())
    return (train_ids, valid_ids, test_ids, x_train, x_valid, x_test, y_train, y_valid, y_test)
def per_mailing_revenue(output, mailing_proportion = .1):
    Calculates the average mailing response for the top proportion*100% of
    predicted responders
    mailing_size = math.ceil(len(output)*mailing_proportion)
    output = output.sort_values(by='probability', ascending = False)
    total_revenue = 0
    for wid in output.iloc[:mailing_size,0]:
        total_revenue = total_revenue + lookup_dict[wid]
    return total_revenue/mailing_size
def get_response_rate(output, mailing_proportion = .1):
    Calculates the average mailing response rate for the top
    proportion*100% of predicted responders
    mailing_size = math.ceil(len(output)*mailing_proportion)
    output = output.sort_values(by='probability', ascending = False)
    total_responses = 0
    for wid in output.iloc[:mailing_size,0]:
        if lookup_dict[wid] > 0:
            total_responses += 1 
    return total_responses/mailing_size
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes = ['No Response', 'Response'],
                          title='Confusion matrix',
    This function prints and plots the confusion matrix.
    Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.
    (code adapted from example in sklearn tutorial)
    if normalize:
        cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
    tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))
    plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=45)
    plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)

    thresh = cm.min() + (cm.max() - cm.min()) / 2.
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
        plt.text(j, i, cm[i, j],
                 color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")
    plt.ylabel('True label')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
def plot_ROC(data, lw=1):
    Takes an iterable of tuples containing (model_title, true_labels, predictions)
    pal = sns.color_palette("hls", len(data))
    for color_id, (title, true_labels, predictions) in enumerate(data):
        fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(true_labels, predictions)
        plt.plot(fpr, tpr,
                 label='{} ROC curve'
                 color=pal[color_id], linewidth=lw)
    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--', lw=lw)
    plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
    plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
    plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
    plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
    plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic')
    plt.legend(loc="lower right")

Step 2: get a baseline

Here we seek to establish and understand the "baseline" model that we are improving upon.

In [4]:
# just taking a quick looks at the distribution of giving
print('Number of responders (out of 50k):',sum(df.Responder_Flg))
print('Average response per mailing: $' + str(df.Payment.mean()))

plt.title('Distribution of responses')
plt.hist(df.Payment[df.Payment != 0])
Number of responders (out of 50k): 5000
Average response per mailing: $12.798

Baseline model

Here we quickly explore using a logistic classifier on the a basic set of features

In [5]:
def try_configuration(model, features, df=df, target = 'Responder_Flg'):
    print('splitting dataset into training and test data...')
    train_ids, test_ids, xdata, xtest, ydata, ytest = split_dset(df, features, target, _seed)
    print('training classifier...'), ydata)
    print('getting model output...')
    train_pred = model.predict(xdata)
    test_pred = model.predict(xtest)
    train_prob = model.predict_proba(xdata)[:,1]
    test_prob = model.predict_proba(xtest)[:,1]
    train_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':train_ids, 'probability':train_prob})
    test_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':test_ids, 'probability':test_prob})
    # evaluate
    print('evaluating model...')
    train_cash = per_mailing_revenue(train_output)
    test_cash = per_mailing_revenue(test_output)
    print('Train per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(train_cash))
    print('Test per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(test_cash))
    print('Test response rate: {0:0.4f}'.format(get_response_rate(test_output)))
    # ROC
    plot_ROC([('training_data', ydata, train_prob), ('test_data', ytest, test_prob)])
    return({'train_prob': train_prob, 'test_prob':test_prob, 'train_label':ydata, 'test_label':ytest, 'model':model})
def try_logistic(features, df=df, target='Responder_Flg'):
    classifier = LogisticRegression(class_weight={0: 1, 1:9}, n_jobs=-1)
    try_configuration(classifier, features, target=target)
def try_knn(features, k=5, df=df, target='Responder_Flg'):
    classifier = KNeighborsClassifier(5, n_jobs=-1)
    try_configuration(classifier, features, target=target)
def try_rf(features, max_depth=None, n_estimators=10, df=df, target='Responder_Flg'):
    classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, 
                                        max_depth = max_depth, 
                                        class_weight={0: 1, 1:9},
    try_configuration(classifier, features, target=target)
def tree_feature_selector(features, verbose=True, df=df, target='Responder_Flg', scaling_factor = 1):
    print('selecting features with random forests...')
    train_ids, test_ids, xdata, xtest, ydata, ytest = split_dset(df, features, target, _seed)
    # Build a forest and compute the feature importances
    forest = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=250,
                                  n_jobs = -1,
                                  random_state=_seed), ydata)
    importances = forest.feature_importances_
    scl = str(scaling_factor)+'*mean'
    model = SelectFromModel(forest, prefit=True, threshold=scl)
    support = model.get_support()
    new_feat = []
    for index, include in enumerate(support):
        if include:
    if verbose:
        print('originally {} features'.format(len(features)))
        print('now {} features'.format(len(new_feat)))
    return new_feat
In [6]:
test_feat = [<list of five column names>]
# try_logistic(test_feat)
selected_feat = tree_feature_selector(test_feat)
try_knn(selected_feat, df=onehot_df)
selecting features with random forests...
originally 5 features
now 2 features
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $13.92
Test per-mail-value: $13.64
Test response rate: 0.1136
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $16.31
Test per-mail-value: $14.52
Test response rate: 0.1120
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $22.69
Test per-mail-value: $15.28
Test response rate: 0.1200
In [7]:
testfeat2 = [<list of 39 column names>]
selected_feat = tree_feature_selector(testfeat2)
try_knn(selected_feat, 2, df=onehot_df)
selecting features with random forests...
originally 39 features
now 12 features
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $16.41
Test per-mail-value: $17.12
Test response rate: 0.1376
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $50.68
Test per-mail-value: $13.96
Test response rate: 0.1088
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $41.19
Test per-mail-value: $18.56
Test response rate: 0.1544
In [8]:
all_feat = df.columns.values[5:] # remove ids, labels
# # this can be a little slow, so we will store output as a pickle
# selected_feat = tree_feature_selector(all_feat)
# with open('rf_selected_features', 'wb') as fp:
#     pickle.dump(selected_feat, fp)
In [9]:
# expensive computation (above), so we restore this from pickle
selected_feat = []
with open('rf_selected_features', 'rb') as fp:
    selected_feat = pickle.load(fp) 
In [10]:
# try_logistic(selected_feat, df=onehot_df)
# using one-hot encoding doesn't actually seem to make a big difference, here (same model performance)
try_rf(selected_feat, n_estimators=500, max_depth=4)
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $18.68
Test per-mail-value: $18.20
Test response rate: 0.1464
splitting dataset into training and test data...
training classifier...
getting model output...
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $22.57
Test per-mail-value: $17.88
Test response rate: 0.1504

Step 3: Just throw XGBOOST at it!

XGBOOST is the black-box algorithm that dominates at the top tiers of data science competitions on Kaggle. Let's see how it does with some random parameters. Since boosting will choose the trees that do well, we don't need to worry about narrowing down our features list like before.

In [11]:
print('splitting dataset into training and test data...')
train_ids, valid_ids, test_ids, xdata, xvalid, xtest, ydata, yvalid, ytest = \
    split_dset_with_valid(df, selected_feat, 'Responder_Flg', _seed)

print('running xgboost')
# Set our parameters for xgboost
params = {}
params['objective'] = 'binary:logistic'
params['eval_metric'] = 'logloss'
params['eta'] = 0.02
params['max_depth'] = 4

d_train = xgb.DMatrix(xdata, label=ydata)
d_valid = xgb.DMatrix(xvalid, label=yvalid)

watchlist = [(d_train, 'train'), (d_valid, 'valid')]

bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, 400, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=50, verbose_eval=10)
splitting dataset into training and test data...
running xgboost
[0]	train-logloss:0.680505	valid-logloss:0.680377
Multiple eval metrics have been passed: 'valid-logloss' will be used for early stopping.

Will train until valid-logloss hasn't improved in 50 rounds.
[10]	train-logloss:0.577662	valid-logloss:0.576527
[20]	train-logloss:0.506042	valid-logloss:0.504155
[30]	train-logloss:0.454934	valid-logloss:0.452535
[40]	train-logloss:0.417977	valid-logloss:0.415153
[50]	train-logloss:0.390992	valid-logloss:0.38794
[60]	train-logloss:0.371225	valid-logloss:0.367938
[70]	train-logloss:0.356737	valid-logloss:0.353288
[80]	train-logloss:0.346045	valid-logloss:0.342606
[90]	train-logloss:0.338135	valid-logloss:0.334806
[100]	train-logloss:0.332262	valid-logloss:0.329095
[110]	train-logloss:0.327802	valid-logloss:0.324873
[120]	train-logloss:0.324432	valid-logloss:0.321775
[130]	train-logloss:0.3218	valid-logloss:0.319486
[140]	train-logloss:0.319681	valid-logloss:0.317902
[150]	train-logloss:0.317913	valid-logloss:0.316822
[160]	train-logloss:0.31647	valid-logloss:0.315937
[170]	train-logloss:0.315178	valid-logloss:0.315315
[180]	train-logloss:0.314034	valid-logloss:0.314905
[190]	train-logloss:0.312979	valid-logloss:0.314613
[200]	train-logloss:0.312007	valid-logloss:0.314322
[210]	train-logloss:0.311087	valid-logloss:0.314239
[220]	train-logloss:0.310266	valid-logloss:0.31412
[230]	train-logloss:0.309449	valid-logloss:0.314095
[240]	train-logloss:0.308598	valid-logloss:0.314047
[250]	train-logloss:0.307761	valid-logloss:0.313994
[260]	train-logloss:0.307005	valid-logloss:0.313989
[270]	train-logloss:0.306345	valid-logloss:0.313981
[280]	train-logloss:0.305617	valid-logloss:0.313997
[290]	train-logloss:0.305	valid-logloss:0.31404
[300]	train-logloss:0.304239	valid-logloss:0.314037
[310]	train-logloss:0.303692	valid-logloss:0.313992
Stopping. Best iteration:
[269]	train-logloss:0.306418	valid-logloss:0.31397

In [12]:
d_test = xgb.DMatrix(xtest)
train_prob = bst.predict(d_train)
valid_prob = bst.predict(d_valid)
test_prob = bst.predict(d_test)

train_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':train_ids, 'probability':train_prob})
valid_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':valid_ids, 'probability':valid_prob})
test_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':test_ids, 'probability':test_prob})
# evaluate
print('evaluating model...')
train_cash = per_mailing_revenue(train_output)
valid_cash = per_mailing_revenue(valid_output)
test_cash = per_mailing_revenue(test_output)
print('Train per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(train_cash))
print('Validation per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(valid_cash))
print('Test per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(test_cash))
print('RR: {:0.4f}'.format(get_response_rate(test_output)))
plot_ROC([('training_data', ydata, train_prob), ('validation_data', yvalid, valid_prob), ('test_data', ytest, test_prob)])
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $44.30
Validation per-mail-value: $17.56
Test per-mail-value: $18.88
RR: 0.1536

Step 4: Optimize the hyperparameters

We need to tune the approach to maximize our performance. We will do this via hyperparameter optimization! The gp_optimize routine approximates the function mapping hyperparameters to performance as a Gaussian Process and makes Bayesian high-likelihood informed guesses about what hyperparameters to try next. This step may actually not have done much overall, since the performance function is calculated over a very small sample of responders in the test set and is thus pretty noisy.

In [13]:
# trying out skopt with scikit gb trees
features = selected_feat
train_ids, valid_ids, test_ids, xdata, xvalid, xtest, ydata, yvalid, ytest = \
        split_dset_with_valid(df, features, 'Responder_Flg', _seed)

def objective(params):
    # time this part
    start = time.time()
    gamma, alpha, lamb, min_child_weight, max_depth, subsample, colsample_bytree, iterations = params
    # Set our parameters for xgboost
    params = {}
    # these are constant
    params['objective'] = 'binary:logistic'
    params['eval_metric'] = 'logloss'
    params['eta'] = 0.02
    # these are tuned
    params['gamma'] = gamma
    params['alpha'] = alpha
    params['lambda'] = lamb
    params['min_child_weight'] = min_child_weight
    params['max_depth'] = max_depth
    params['subsample'] = subsample
    params['colsample_bytree'] = colsample_bytree

    d_train = xgb.DMatrix(xdata, label=ydata)
    d_valid = xgb.DMatrix(xvalid, label=yvalid)

    bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, iterations)

    valid_prob = bst.predict(d_valid)
    valid_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':valid_ids, 'probability':valid_prob})
    valid_cash = per_mailing_revenue(valid_output)
    # timing
    end = time.time()
    print('Iteration completed in {:.1f} seconds with validation return: ${:.3f}'.format(end - start, valid_cash))
    return -valid_cash

space  = [(0.0, 0.5),               # gamma
          (0.0, 1.0),               # alpha
          (0.0, 1.0),               # lambda
          (1, 5),                   # min_child_weight
          (2, 6),                   # max_depth
          (.6, 1.0),                # subsample
          (.6, 1.0),                # colsample_bytree
          (200, 800),               # iterations
In [14]:
from skopt import gp_minimize
# res_gp = gp_minimize(objective, space, n_calls=700, random_state=_seed)
# print('Best price achieved: ${:.3f}'.format(
In [15]:
# # get best params
# gamma, alpha, lamb, min_child_weight, max_depth, subsample, colsample_bytree, iterations = res_gp.x
# # Set our parameters for xgboost
# params = {}
# # these are constant
# params['objective'] = 'binary:logistic'
# params['eval_metric'] = 'logloss'
# params['eta'] = 0.02
# # these are tuned
# params['gamma'] = gamma
# params['alpha'] = alpha
# params['lambda'] = lamb
# params['min_child_weight'] = min_child_weight
# params['max_depth'] = max_depth
# params['subsample'] = subsample
# params['colsample_bytree'] = colsample_bytree

features = selected_feat
train_ids, valid_ids, test_ids, xdata, xvalid, xtest, ydata, yvalid, ytest = \
        split_dset_with_valid(df, features, 'Responder_Flg', _seed)
with open('optimal_params', 'rb') as fp:
    params = pickle.load(fp)
# print('optimized parameters are {} iterations and:'.format(iterations))
# print(params)

d_train = xgb.DMatrix(xdata, label=ydata)
d_valid = xgb.DMatrix(xvalid, label=yvalid)
d_test = xgb.DMatrix(xtest)

watchlist = [(d_train, 'train'), (d_valid, 'valid')]

# bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, 700, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=25, verbose_eval=10)
bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, 570) # 570 was the optimal number of iterations, but was not stored in the pickle

train_prob = bst.predict(d_train)
valid_prob = bst.predict(d_valid)
test_prob = bst.predict(d_test)

train_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':train_ids, 'probability':train_prob})
valid_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':valid_ids, 'probability':valid_prob})
test_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':test_ids, 'probability':test_prob})
# evaluate
print('evaluating model...')
train_cash = per_mailing_revenue(train_output)
valid_cash = per_mailing_revenue(valid_output)
test_cash = per_mailing_revenue(test_output)
print('Train per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(train_cash))
print('Validation per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(valid_cash))
print('Test per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(test_cash))
plot_ROC([('training_data', ydata, train_prob), ('validation_data', yvalid, valid_prob), ('test_data', ytest, test_prob)])
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $60.70
Validation per-mail-value: $18.52
Test per-mail-value: $20.04
In [16]:
In [17]:
payment = [lookup_dict[wid] for wid in test_output['id']]
test_output['payment'] = payment
# test_output.sort_values(by='probability', ascending=False)[:1200]

Step 5: Use entire dataset to train, and make final predictions

We have identified a best-performing model (boosted trees with tuned hyperparameters), and so now it comes time to use the entire dataset to train the model and then to make predictions on the unlabeled dataset. With any luck this will be the winning entry!

In [18]:
# prepare the datasets
unlab_df = pd.read_csv('../data/testing_data.csv')
unlab_df = unlab_df.set_index(df.W_ID)
unlab_df.columns = [c.strip() for c in unlab_df.columns.values]

# drop the column will all missing values
unlab_df = unlab_df.drop('colname',1)

# fill in missing values, replace missing continuous values with the average of the rows
unlab_df = unlab_df.replace(-1, np.nan)
cont_feats = unlab_df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns
unlab_df.loc[:,cont_feats] = unlab_df.loc[:,cont_feats].fillna(unlab_df.loc[:,cont_feats].mean())

for feature in unlab_df.columns: # Loop through all columns in the dataframe
    if unlab_df[feature] == 'object': # Only apply for columns with categorical strings
        unlab_df[feature] = pd.Categorical(unlab_df[feature]).codes # Replace strings with an integer

target = 'Responder_Flg'
features = []
with open('rf_selected_features', 'rb') as fp:
    features = pickle.load(fp) 

xtrain = df[features].as_matrix()
ytrain = colvec_to_array(df[[target]].as_matrix())
xtest = unlab_df[features].as_matrix()
train_ids = colvec_to_array(df['W_ID'].as_matrix())
test_ids = colvec_to_array(unlab_df['W_ID'].as_matrix())
In [19]:
d_train = xgb.DMatrix(xtrain, label=ytrain)
d_test = xgb.DMatrix(xtest)

params = {}
with open('optimal_params', 'rb') as fp:
    params = pickle.load(fp)

bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, 570)

train_prob = bst.predict(d_train)
test_prob = bst.predict(d_test)

train_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':train_ids, 'probability':train_prob})
test_output = pd.DataFrame({'id':test_ids, 'probability':test_prob})

# evaluate
print('evaluating model...')
train_cash = per_mailing_revenue(train_output)
print('Train per-mail-value: ${0:0.2f}'.format(train_cash))
plot_ROC([('training_data', ytrain, train_prob)])
evaluating model...
Train per-mail-value: $41.68
In [20]:
# results = test_output.sort_values(by='probability', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
test_output.to_csv('predictions.csv', index=False)